Sunday, April 29, 2012

¿Qué es esto?

I began this blog back in November and at that time I was feeling overjoyed with my work, my students, and things that were going on at school.  My creativity was flowing and I was filled with ideas and thoughts I wanted to share.  Every day I posted something - usually something original that I had made myself.  I contacted other folks in the blogosphere and tried to network.  I put some of my things up on Pinterest and watched as my fellow pinners repinned them without comment.

But the blog was quiet . . . beyond quiet, it was silent.  I felt like I was in a vacuum and that no one would ever be reading or interested in what I was doing.  Ah well, I thought.  That's how it goes.  There are a lot of blogs on the internet after all.  You win some and you lose some.

But today I got an email about a comment.  What?  I asked myself.  ¿Qué es esto?  Someone is reading?!  Not only that, I have two followers!!  Oh, bless you both!  I never set out to become a famous blogger or change the world of Spanish teaching, just to make some connections and share with people who would understand and occasionally appreciate what I had to say.

And on that note, I have nothing even remotely interesting to say right now except for thank you.  I'll put something meaningful up tomorrow.   

¿Qué es esto? Is that my enthusiasm returning?  Oh wow, I hope so!

Hasta pronto amigos,



  1. Anne,
    I just discovered your blog tonite and have pinned just about EVERY page! I can't wait to use your marvelous ideas in class this coming school year--¡Mil gracias!

  2. Sra. Arnold, I'm sorry I didn't respond to this comment back when you made it. I just discovered that my Gmail has been filtering my blog comments to spam, so I haven't been reading them. Now the irony is that this is a comment here on my post about feeling lonely in the blog world, and I didn't get it for over a year - still feeling lonely. Oh well.

    I'm glad you found useful material here and I hope to keep creating more things for folks to share. I wish you and your students all the best.

    <3 AnneK
