Friday, February 8, 2013

El Pollito Pío

A colleague of mine came across this precious video on YouTube.  It's colorful, the animations are adorable, it teaches the names of common animals in Spanish and the sounds they make, and the tune is so catchy that you'll be singing it all day. 

I am given to understand that the original was in Italian, but little Pollito Pío is available in all sorts of languages now from Dutch to Greek.  Some of the English translations are a little sketchy  ("Cock" instead of "rooster" for example.  And I've never known an American chicken to say "co co" so that might be a British or Australian thing?)

Of course, since I'm a teacher, I had to make an activity to go along with the little video.  It's a moral imperative when you've been in the profession as long as I have.  I thought I'd share it with you here.  I do not hold the copyright to any of the pictures; those belong to the original creator.  So do not copy them except for personal and educational purposes, please.

Click here or click the above picture to download a copy of the activity page.  It is best suited to middle school or high school students because, despite the seemingly juvenile content, the video is fast and youngsters won't be able to write that quickly.  Even my highschoolers needed me to pause the video a couple times so they could write.

I hope you enjoy it!  If you do, please consider leaving me a little note and letting me know.  It would mean a lot to me.

Hasta pronto,



  1. Muchísimas gracias por compartir esto! Voy a usarlo hoy en mi clase de Español 3 y pronto en Español 2.

  2. De nada, Monica. Ojalá que les guste. Los míos se divirtieron mucho y cantaban la canción por días después. :-) --AnneK

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I teach this song to my Elementary Spanish students. Since they are much younger, I take about 2 weeks to teach the animals, their sounds, the song, and the dance. I was wanting a basic worksheet for them to use while learning the song, and was about to attempt to create my own. Thankfully, you already did, and I can actually get some sleep tonight. :)

  4. Sarah, I'm delighted that you found something that will work for your lesson and that you can relax and get the sleep you need. I hope your students enjoy the lesson! --AnneK <3

  5. Hola :)
    ¿Todavía usas este blog?
    Me encanta esta ficha pero ya no me funciona el link ;(
    Un saludo y enhorabuena por tu trabajo.
    Alba R
