This is a little creative idea I came up with to take away some of the fear of the subjunctive. We had taken notes and done some writing, but I wanted another repetition of the material without making my students crazy, so I created a hands-on project to decorate their study space and remind them of the rules in a whimsical way. The result was this subjunctive mobile.
This is easily accomplished in a single class period, or it can be done as a weekend "micro project" on their own. It would also make an excellent activity for the students to do with a substitute teacher since the instructions are very straightforward and I even included pictures so that they could be done without the teacher present, if necessary.
The file can be downloaded here with full instructions, pictures, and the template so your students can make their own mobiles.
Why are the instructions in English? I hear you cry. There are several reasons actually, but primarily I wanted the students (even those with special needs) to be able to do it on their own and I wanted the parents to be able to read and understand it. By all means, feel free to rewrite it in Spanish if you wish! I'll be happy to post it here and give you credit if you do.
I hope this is useful to you and that your students enjoy it. I'd love to see pictures of your mobiles if you feel like sharing!
Hasta pronto,
Hola, Anne! I am trying to open your link, and I can't access it. It sends me to dropbox with an error message. Any chance you could help me out? I'd like to use this fantastic idea!