Thursday, October 24, 2013

¿Tu gato te ama o está tramando algo?

I love cats and I have always had a cat companion in my life, as long as I can remember.  One thing I love about the Internet are all the funny cat jokes and memes, but when I find one in Spanish it's extra special because I can share it with my students too.

This little video is hilarious!  It asks some of the questions that we cat owners wonder at times, and I love the film noir feel it gives with the music and the black & white art.


For reasons unbeknownst to me, I was unable to imbed the video from YouTube so I just uploaded it here locally.  However, if you want to watch it on YouTube, you can click here.

I left an English translation in the comments section for any cat lovers out there who happen across the video and haven't learned Spanish yet.

And let me just take a moment to give credit where it is due.  I found this little gem over at Zambombazo.  If you've never visited there, go now!  It is a treasure trove for Spanish teachers.  They have fun activities galore and I get a lot of inspiration from them.
¡Ojalá que les guste!

Hasta pronto,


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