Friday, November 22, 2013

Día de Acción de Gracias

Today was our last day of class before our (much needed) Thanksgiving break.  I'm lucky to work at a school where we get the whole week of Thanksgiving off.  When you put the two weekends together with the five days off, it's a glorious nine days of rest.  This is especially nice because Thanksgiving is often such a big production involving travel and days of cooking and prep, that you actually need a vacation from it.  Irony, I suppose.

I didn't want to introduce new material today and I knew the students were tired and distracted, so I taught an abbreviated lesson then I saved the last twenty minutes of class to discuss Thanksgiving.  We needed some vocabulary to do it, so I put together a Power Point with pictures and vocabulary terms.  I love to introduce vocabulary this way because it minimizes the need for us to resort to English to communicate.  The only downside is that it often takes a long time to find all the best pictures, so I figured I would share the presentation here with my readers.  That way you don't have to invest that time.

The Power Point is not very long.  It just covers the basics of the traditions and favorite foods for Thanksgiving.  Feel free to add to it with the favorite foods and traditions of the region where you and your students live.  With this vocabulary, students will be able to engage in some conversation about the holiday - even beginners because you can stick to me gusta and no me gusta with them.

And to make things even more fun, I found this hilarious clip from the show Friends dubbed in Spanish.  Joey is attempting to eat a whole turkey and it made my students laugh out loud.

I hope you find these resources useful and that your students enjoy talking about Thanksgiving in Spanish.

Hasta pronto,


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