Tuesday, December 3, 2013

La Voz Interior

In addition to my 80 kids at school, I'm blessed to be a mother of three wonderful young people.  My oldest daughter is 20, my middle daughter is 15 and is a sophomore at the school where I teach, and my "cherry on top" is my 4-year-old son.  That is a lot of kids in my life - each of them special and beloved in their own way.

As parents and teachers, we occasionally have moments in our lives when we come across some wisdom that puts everything into sharp focus.  I had a moment like that today when I was looking at Pinterest and I saw this little graphic:

It is simple but it speaks to a very profound truth; one that is a little unsettling in its implications when we put our minds to the immense power we have.  I feel certain this quote was originally directed toward parents but, as teachers, we wield this power at a level that no one else does.  Year after year, we teach dozens of children.  And believe me, what we say and how we say it matters a great deal to our students.   If my teachers had not been the voices of patience, encouragement, and serenity in my life . . . I don't know what would have become of me or where I would be today.

Just a thought, amigos.

Hasta pronto,


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