Friday, August 29, 2014

¡Me Publicaron!

Summer is over and it's time to get back to work . . . and I've done just that!  We've actually been back for several weeks but it's been beyond busy.  New students, new colleagues, new software to learn, new (higher!) expectations, new rules, new technology - you get the idea, I'm sure.

 I was recently accepted as a presenter at the Teaching and Learning with the iPad Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina. Where I will be presenting a session on creating educational materials that is geared to teachers who have been working with old-fashioned materials for years.  I titled it Colorful, Dynamic and Interactive: Reimagining Classroom Content and you can click on the link if you are interested in reading about it.  And if you live near Raleigh, you ought to attend by all means.  It would be great to meet you!

One of the organizers of the iPad conference read my proposal and invited me to write an article for his journal, Emerging EdTech.  I felt so excited and honored!  She told me to write in an informal and conversational way - like a blog post.  And suddenly I felt at ease, because (as you know) I've written a few blog posts in my time.

Without further ado, here is the link to my article.  I hope you enjoy it!

5 Steps for Planning Lessons Around Technology – Starting with the End in Mind

Hasta pronto,


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