Saturday, October 24, 2015

Ésto Te Va A Hacer Sonreír - El Tiempo Progresivo

I'm always looking for fun content to add to my grammar instruction.  Even though I love grammar and find it fascinating, I do realize that my students do not always share my enthusiasm.

So, since I'm always on the prowl (so to speak) for that great content, I squealed with delight when I found these looping pictures.  My first thought: These are amazing!  My second thought: The Present Progressive Tense!  My third thought: Yes! It's great to be a Spanish teacher!

¡Miren, miren, miren!

Spanish 1 & 2

¿Qué está haciendo
el hombre?

¿Qué está haciendo
la sombra de él?

Spanish 3+

¿Qué está pasando
en la foto?

¿Qué mensaje nos
está comunicando
el artista?
Spanish 1 & 2

¿Qué está haciendo
el hombre con los

¿Y con las piernas?

Spanish 3+

¿Qué está pasando
en la foto?

¿Qué está haciendo
que nos hace pensar
en pájaros?

The questions are just what occurred to me on the spur of the moment and are the sorts of things that I would ask students in the large group before splitting them up into pairs to discuss similar questions with other pictures.

Other pictures? you ask.  Oh yes!  The artist's name is Romain Laurent and he has a lot of these great looping photos.  I found these particular pictures in an article on Neatorama.  But I found a lot more of his great moving pictures on his Tumblr page.  And you can find Mr. Laurent's online portfolio here.  The front page of his portfolio is comprised of static pictures - not looping ones, but they are outstanding.  Films and GIFs can be found by clicking links in the upper right.

Happy descriptions and conjugations with this one, amigos!

Hasta pronto,


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