Monday, October 5, 2015

Memoria - Juego Profesional Para Principiantes

Amigos míos, I have a big announcement.  I have decided to enter the world of educational game design!  I started small and created a simple memory matching game with basic Spanish vocabulary as my first endeavor.  I wanted to see what quality the cards were going to be, what the printing would look like and overall how pleased I was going to be with the product.  And, in a word, I'm delighted. 
Buy Memoria Palabras Básicas

As you can see above, the colors are brilliant and the printing is sharp as a tack.  The cards are printed on game-quality card stock and the corners are rounded nicely.

This game has 48 cards in it - 24 pairs of words that students learn early in their studies (papel, árbol, zapato, bicicleta, etc.).  They are perfect for elementary students or for Spanish 1 students at the beginning of their language-learning journey.  And, because you would never use all 48 cards in a single game (That would be crazy; trust me.), you have enough cards to run two or three games at the same time.  If you are dealing with little kids, you could even run four groups of students playing simultaneously.  Fun for all!

Buy Memoria Palabras Básicas

I like to put card games at one center/station when my students are going through a circuit.  But they are also great for fast-finishers, for an incentive, or for those days where half of your class is away and you want to do something relevant but not something that will get them ahead of the rest of the group.  (This happens to me when we have an assembly, when there is standardized testing going on somewhere in the building, or when there is severe weather.)  That's my son above to the right.  He has been playing the heck out of this game any time someone agrees to play with him.  But, it's a good game for soloists too.

Buy Memoria Palabras Básicas

I used colorful and iconic art with Spanish on both cards.  The idea, after all, is to learn the vocabulary in Spanish.  The card with the picture and the word helps students to make the association, while the card with the vocabulary alone encourages them to recall the meaning of the word.  In other words, they have to learn the words to succeed.  They can't rely on English (because there is none) and they can't simply match pictures. 

I wish I could tell you this was only a couple dollars . . . but I can't because I'm not a big game company yet.  I have to pay for small print runs, which are expensive to do.  But it comes in at $17.99 and that pays for materials, printing, packaging, labor, and a small profit for both the Game Crafter and for myself.  Keep in mind that you can play 2-3 groups of kids simultaneously.  (4 if you have preschoolers or kindergartners)  So, you can get a lot of use out of it, while bringing color and fun to your classroom.

And guess what?  You can play Pesca (Go Fish) with these cards too.  I made a rules sheet for you to download if you wish.

I know that we teachers buy a lot of our own classroom materials and we can't afford all the games and supplies that we might like.  I would love it if you would buy my game.  But, if you can't afford this right now and you can't talk your principal into funding it, I understand.  Please put it on your wishlist and remember me next year at budget time.  I would be very, very happy if you would spread the word about this game on social media.  Tweet, pin, reblog, share, whatever . . . I thank you!

And, I have four more games in various stages of completeness right now.  They are waiting for the right moment for me to share them with you, so please don't stay gone for too long.


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