Thanksgiving 2014 has passed so it is now officially Christmas season! One of the best things about Christmas, if you ask me, is the music. I have bought quite a few Spanish Christmas songs over at iTunes so that I can play them in class during the last two weeks of the quarter.
José Feliciano's Feliz Navidad continues to regale us year after year, and I suspect that the simplicity of the lyrics is partially responsible for its success. Most everyone can belt out "feliz Navidad" over and over again, even if they get lost on the "prospero año" part of the song and try to fake their way through it. I do make sure that all of my students know the line so they can seem knowledgeable when friends come at them with, "Hey, you take Spanish. What are they saying in this song?"
I put together some lyric sheets for the three Spanish Christmas Carols that I find are the easiest for my students to sing - Cascabel, Mi Burrito Sabanero, and Los Peces en el Río. (I'm not sure the Christmas meaning of that last one, but it seems to be a Christmas carol by all accounts - even though I'm not seeing the connection. There is a mention of the Virgin Mary washing diapers, so I guess that is vaguely related to Christmas . . . .)
If you would like to download a copy of the lyrics for these Christmas carols in Spanish, with festive decorations, please click here or on the image below.
And you might be asking yourself why I did not include the ever-present Feliz Navidad in the set, and the answer to that would be one word: copyright. José Feliciano and his record label are not feeling especially friendly about sharing so, despite the fact that this blog is not widely read and is non-commercial, I'm going to play by the rules and respect the copyright. If you wish to share the lyrics with your students in a strictly educational way, you can find them online with little effort.
Happy start to the Christmas season, amigos. Away we go toward merriment and joy!
Hasta pronto,
A resource for Spanish teachers everywhere. These are my own reflections on my practice, my experiences, and things that I have created and want to share.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Teaching and Learning with iPad Conference
What an interesting couple of days it has been at the Teaching and Learning with iPad Conference! And, if I am to be frank, it's been exhausting too. Normally when one goes to a conference, it is out of town and you get to have a little bit of a vacation experience by staying in the hotel and eating out at restaurants - well, at least that's the way I do it. But this particular conference is held right here in my hometown. In fact, it is co-sponsored by my school so it is populated by my coworkers, my administrators, and even quite a few of my students. Meanwhile, I'm running around and doing all my usual stuff like taking my kids into school on Friday and picking them up in the carpool, grabbing things from the supermarket on the way home, and all that sort of thing. It's an odd and somewhat disconcerting mix of home life and conference experience that just leaves me feeling wiped out.
The organizers of the event did a great job, I think. Everything was well laid out and well planned. There were drinks, tasty snacks, and friendly helpful folks all around. There was a social hour with cocktails and in which our school's jazz band was the entertainment. (Though I think more conferences could benefit from cocktails and jazz - this is not a good mix in front of your students. I had to decline the temptation because I could think of so many ways - so many ways - that could go wrong.) We had folks from all over the state here, as you might suspect, but we also had folks from other states and a whole bunch of folks from Canada too. I heard talk that there were other foreign nationals in attendance too, but I didn't meet any of them personally.
I have one major issue, and that was the fault of the hotel - not the conference organizers, the wi-fi was terribly slow and unreliable. In the case of a technology conference, this is simply not okay. If you agree to host a "Teaching and Learning with the iPad" conference, then you have to expect that a few hundred people are going to all want to use thier iPads at the same time. And there is an expectation on the part of presenters and attendees that there will be a way to get online and have access to everything we are showcasing and learning about. When I gave my presentation on Friday, there was almost no bandwidth and much of what I wanted to show my attendees had to be skipped. It was a shame, but the enthusiasm and the supportive energy I got from everyone made the presentation a success regardless, so I can't really complain.
In addition to presenting two sessions, I attended presentations in all available slots. I learned about engaging active learners, gamification, flipped instruction, and blended learning. I even got a digital badge for my participation in the gamification session.
This is the first conference that I have attended that was not focused on foreign language instruction, and that made it a bit unusual for me. I wasn't able to hook up with as many people to share instructional ideas as I do at other conferences and I didn't get a friendly vibe off of everyone. Maybe foreign language teachers are all just great people? I don't know the answer to that, but it might be fun to research it - if I weren't already a bit biased. Still, I met two folks that I like quite a bit and I tweeted to both of them today. Maybe we will stay in touch and maybe not, but I feel like I have to make the attempt because connecting with other professionals is very important to me.
Hasta pronto,
I have one major issue, and that was the fault of the hotel - not the conference organizers, the wi-fi was terribly slow and unreliable. In the case of a technology conference, this is simply not okay. If you agree to host a "Teaching and Learning with the iPad" conference, then you have to expect that a few hundred people are going to all want to use thier iPads at the same time. And there is an expectation on the part of presenters and attendees that there will be a way to get online and have access to everything we are showcasing and learning about. When I gave my presentation on Friday, there was almost no bandwidth and much of what I wanted to show my attendees had to be skipped. It was a shame, but the enthusiasm and the supportive energy I got from everyone made the presentation a success regardless, so I can't really complain.
In addition to presenting two sessions, I attended presentations in all available slots. I learned about engaging active learners, gamification, flipped instruction, and blended learning. I even got a digital badge for my participation in the gamification session.
Hasta pronto,
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Amapolas Para La Conmemoración
Veterans' Day is a week past now, and I am finally finding a free moment to share an idea with you. The idea was not mine though, it was the inspiration of one of my colleagues who teaches French.
In Europe, and elsewhere to a lesser extent, it has become traditional to honor veterans of war with poppies. The tradition began in France around the end of World War I and has grown in momentum over the years. So, to acknowledge Veterans' Day, my colleague spoke to all of us in the foreign language department and the arts department about having our students make paper poppies.
The idea was to have a field of poppies that would be a beautiful memorial to our veterans - and I think it turned out great.
In Europe, and elsewhere to a lesser extent, it has become traditional to honor veterans of war with poppies. The tradition began in France around the end of World War I and has grown in momentum over the years. So, to acknowledge Veterans' Day, my colleague spoke to all of us in the foreign language department and the arts department about having our students make paper poppies.
The idea was to have a field of poppies that would be a beautiful memorial to our veterans - and I think it turned out great.
Some folks are not naturally crafty so I decided to put together a set of instructions for those who might want to do this project themselves for a future Veterans' Day celebration. It has written instructions, visual instructions, a template to follow, and reference photos (for those people who like to be precise). Click here to download a PDF of the instructions or click on the image below.
If you make poppies with your students, I would love to hear from you! Send pictures or leave comments. It's great to stay in touch, amigos.
Hasta pronto,
Saturday, November 8, 2014
¿Cómo Cambiarías el Mundo?
How would you change the world? It is a question I asked my Spanish IV students as we were beginning a chapter on ecology. With so many ecological issues very present in our everyday consciousness, we hear a lot about cleaning up the air we breathe and the water we drink. There is a lot of talk about getting trash up off the roads and recycling - both in our textbook and everywhere around us. I thought my students would all be drawn to conversations about climate change and the environment, and many of them were.
But many others chose to focus on things that were issues of personal importance to them instead - hunger, religious freedom, equality of education. I was surprised by how honest they were and how they resisted the path that had been laid out for them by the textbook.
The project consisted of choosing a topic of personal importance, stating a desire to improve the world using the present subjunctive, and presenting it in an attractive way on a 10" x 10" square. I provided class time in which we wrote our statements in the subjunctive, peer edited them, and I helped with grammar and phrasing. (There are still errors in some of them. It is student Spanish, after all.)
The creativity part was done, by in large, outside of class. I did provide materials and artistic suggestions, but the students were given full creative privilege to do what they chose. We discussed symbolism and how to represent our ideas using pictures, and I suggested that students might want to use three-dimensional elements in their design. (The one above has actual sand on it.) When I displayed them all together, wow . . . the results were beautiful and the message was so positive.
Hasta pronto, amigos.
But many others chose to focus on things that were issues of personal importance to them instead - hunger, religious freedom, equality of education. I was surprised by how honest they were and how they resisted the path that had been laid out for them by the textbook.
The project consisted of choosing a topic of personal importance, stating a desire to improve the world using the present subjunctive, and presenting it in an attractive way on a 10" x 10" square. I provided class time in which we wrote our statements in the subjunctive, peer edited them, and I helped with grammar and phrasing. (There are still errors in some of them. It is student Spanish, after all.)
The creativity part was done, by in large, outside of class. I did provide materials and artistic suggestions, but the students were given full creative privilege to do what they chose. We discussed symbolism and how to represent our ideas using pictures, and I suggested that students might want to use three-dimensional elements in their design. (The one above has actual sand on it.) When I displayed them all together, wow . . . the results were beautiful and the message was so positive.
Hasta pronto, amigos.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Feliz Noviembre
November again? I know it is not just me, but November always makes me feel as though time is passing too quickly. I look at my pacing guide and see where I am . . . sigh. I look at the calendar and see that midterm exams, semester grades, and Christmas are coming up fast.
Still, there is beauty in November - at least toward the beginning before winter's grasp has taken hold. And, here in North Carolina, there are spectacular fall colors that continue to awe us in the first weeks of November.
I am not much of a photographer. It's a sad skill to lack when one is a blogger, but it is the truth. I'm handy with a paintbrush, with crafty things, and with decorations. I put up one heck of a bulletin board, but photography . . . not so much. So the following pictures are not ones I shot myself. They are ones I found online and I tacked November phrases onto them. (Photoshop I can do!) But I thought they would make a nice addition to my lessons this month, so I figured I would share them here with you.
Still, there is beauty in November - at least toward the beginning before winter's grasp has taken hold. And, here in North Carolina, there are spectacular fall colors that continue to awe us in the first weeks of November.
I am not much of a photographer. It's a sad skill to lack when one is a blogger, but it is the truth. I'm handy with a paintbrush, with crafty things, and with decorations. I put up one heck of a bulletin board, but photography . . . not so much. So the following pictures are not ones I shot myself. They are ones I found online and I tacked November phrases onto them. (Photoshop I can do!) But I thought they would make a nice addition to my lessons this month, so I figured I would share them here with you.
Feliz noviembre, amigos. Que cada persona deje que el corazón llene de gratitud y los ojos de los brillantes colores de esta magnífica estación.
Hasta pronto,
Saturday, November 1, 2014
How To: La Ofrenda
Over the years I have done this activity with various groups of students and I have learned some things along the way, so I've decided to gather my thoughts and share them with you. In my opinion, there are a few crucial things to do if you are going to be successful.
1. Get Permission: First things first - before you even start planning to put up an ofrenda in your classroom or in a public display somewhere in your school, talk to your administrator and make sure that it will be okay. Let them know the cultural significance of the project, what it will look like, where it will be, and how long it will be on display.
2. Be Religiously Neutral: This is important, especially in this day and age where some people seem to be looking for any little thing at which they might take offense. My strong suggestion to you is that you avoid the word altar at all cost and consistently refer to the display as an ofrenda. Altar has very strong religious connotations in English and Spanish, and the idea is to educate students on the history and culture - not to upset them or their parents about religion. Talk to your classes about the culture, the history, and some of the Native American beliefs that are related to Día de los Muertos, but make it clear that you are simply studying these ideas to understand them - not to practice them or believe them personally.
3. Avoid Real Food: Ofrendas are traditionally covered up with tasty goodies like sugar skulls, bread, mole, and fresh fruit. This works great in a home or a small venue where it can be carefully monitored, but in a school where people are constantly coming and going there might be the temptation to sample something. (I had one kid tell me he thought it was a buffet one year!) You also don't want to invite pests like ants, fruit flies, and cockroaches to the table.
- Fruit - There are some very convincing fake fruits out there at local craft stores. You might be able to find some at discount stores too.
- Bread - Fake bread is for sale online, believe it or not. Here is an Etsy Store where you can find it. And it is also for sale at Amazon. If you actually have time in your schedule for such things, you might be able to make it yourself. Here is a website that shows you how, though I've never tried this myself so I don't know anything about it. Lastly, you might want to talk to the teachers in the Arts Department - I found that theater teachers often have fake bread they use as props and art teachers often have fake bread they use to set up still life scenes for their students to draw and paint.
- Candy Skulls - This year I bought some plastic skulls at the dollar store and spray painted them white. I then gave some artistic students the task to look up pictures of sugar skulls and recreate the look with acrylic paint. It worked out very well. (That is a real loaf of pan de muertos in the picture - not a fake one. A student made it for extra credit and we ate it. It was only on display for pictures.)
4. No Fire: This is surely a no-brainer, but you clearly cannot light real candles or incense at your school ofrenda. To do so would be to invite disaster. I really hate fake candles that look fake, but there are some pretty nice ones available nowadays that flicker and look real. If you do have fake candles on your display, make sure to give a particular student the job of turning them on in the morning and turning them off in the afternoon. Otherwise they might get left on over the weekend and exhaust your batteries.
5. Silk Flowers Last Longer: Everyone loves fresh flowers but they are very expensive and short lived. Silk flowers will endure so that you can use them year after year and they will keep their color and their fresh look. If you want to put some fresh flowers up too, that is a great idea because they actually work well together.
6. Organize Donations Digitally: You cannot buy all the supplies yourself, unless you have lots of time and money. Make a list well ahead of time of anything you feel you might need for the ofrenda. I used to make sign-up sheets, of course. But in this marvelous technical age in which we live, there are digital sign-ups that take away all the guess work and make life easy. I use Sign Up Genius and I highly recommend it. It is free, it is easy, it automatically sends reminders to students and parents, and it doesn't take too long to do. You can quickly look and see who signed up for what and use it as a management tool. I love technology!
7. Table Cloth: Real table cloths are spendy and you don't want to ruin one, so for my ofrenda I used a $5 bed sheet from Wal-Mart. You could also get a plastic tablecloth for a dollar from your local dollar store.
8. Empty Boxes for Levels: Ofrendas look better when they have two or three levels. You can create the look by using empty cardboard boxes. I recommend going to the copy room - all the boxes there will be sturdy and of a uniform size.
9. Papel Picado: In my opinion, papel picado is a must for the ofrenda. It gives color, it looks festive, and it is very traditional. You can have your students make the papel picado themselves or you can buy some very inexpensively. I got mine for less than $6 at Teachers' Discovery.
10. Students Pick Honoree: Ofendas honor the spirits of the departed, so it makes sense to choose someone to honor. I usually nudge my students in the direction of a famous Hispanic person. We've done Frida Kahlo and Salvador Dalí in the past, but this year they wanted to honor Robin Williams and, since that was someone meaningful to them, it made the project much more personal. (If there was a recent death in your school community, students might want to honor that person. I recommend that you talk to your administration before you decide to do something like that. Emotions can run high and you don't want any misunderstandings or hurt feelings.)
11. Put Up a Sign: Explain what the ofrenda is all about - In English so everyone can read and understand. You don't want people thinking it's a shrine or a religious altar. You don't want people mixing it up with Halloween or any other manner of ridiculous interpretations you can't even imagine. Have the students make a poster to explain the holiday and it's significance, then display it right next to your ofrenda.
12. Rein In Your Perfectionism: If you have perfectionistic tendencies and can be a bit of a control freak, force yourself to let go and stand back while the students put the ofrenda together themselves. This project is about learning and having fun - not about how neat the flowers are, how the candles are spaced, or whether the papel picado is hanging straight. I don't know if other people struggle with these things or if it is just me. But I have to remind myself that this is a project for the students to do, not for me to get obsessive about. Let them put it up and praise them for it - don't micromanage.
And, of course, have fun. The holiday is about being joyful so be sure to do some of that too. I hope this advice has been of some use to you. May you have a feliz Día de los Muertos!
One last bit of advice, if you want to get a head start on next year's ofrenda, go to the craft store between Halloween and Thanksgiving and you can rack up on cheap decorations. They want to get stuff off the shelves and get ready for Christmas so you will find skulls and flowers at 50% even 75% or 80% off. ¡Viva la ganga!
Hasta pronto,
Feliz Día de Muertos
Don't you just love Día de los Muertos? It's such a colorful holiday - filled with color, delicious goodies, great music, and cultural richness. I look at it as Halloween's good twin, and a way to keep on having fun for a couple of extra days.
I started each of my classes today with a brief explanation of the two holidays - what they have in common and how they are different. I then showed an adorable little animated video that does not have particularly strong educational value, but it is entertaining and beautiful. And it shows the message that I take from the holiday - It's not about being afraid of death or about being sad for those we've lost, but rather about celebrating their life and understanding that death is just another phase of our existence.
There is no dialog in the video - neither in English nor in Spanish. Students can just watch and soak in the images and the ideas without any stress.
I played it completely straight with my students today. I told them it was a short video and that I required their attention, that I had not made a worksheet or an activity to go with it, I just wanted them to watch and enjoy. They responded well and gave it their attention.
We also put up an ofrenda at school - but I will save that story for later as I'm tired now.
Hasta pronto,
I started each of my classes today with a brief explanation of the two holidays - what they have in common and how they are different. I then showed an adorable little animated video that does not have particularly strong educational value, but it is entertaining and beautiful. And it shows the message that I take from the holiday - It's not about being afraid of death or about being sad for those we've lost, but rather about celebrating their life and understanding that death is just another phase of our existence.
There is no dialog in the video - neither in English nor in Spanish. Students can just watch and soak in the images and the ideas without any stress.
I played it completely straight with my students today. I told them it was a short video and that I required their attention, that I had not made a worksheet or an activity to go with it, I just wanted them to watch and enjoy. They responded well and gave it their attention.
We also put up an ofrenda at school - but I will save that story for later as I'm tired now.
Hasta pronto,
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Prevención de la Gripe
It's flu season again and I thought it would be a good idea to discuss preventative measures with my students - in Spanish, of course. I went online and found an example of authentic text online at that explains, in fairly direct language, what preventative measures a person can take to avoid coming down with the flu.
Being the teacher that I am, of course I had to take it and make it into an activity. I glossed some of the key words that I felt students needed to understand and then I created a couple of comprehension activities. I arranged the activities from order of easy (draw pictures to show you comprehend) to medium (identify good and bad advice) to more difficult (answer the questions in Spanish).
I am going to use the article in my two community college classes (with adult learners), and with my Spanish V, Spanish IV, and Spanish III students this week. Even with all the scaffolding in the world, I think this activity would just be a frustration to my Spanish II students. There is a great deal of medical vocabulary (antivirales, medicamentos antifebriles, polva para inhalar. . . ), formal commands, and several examples of the subjunctive.
I thought it was a good article of a nice length and I was pleased with how the activities turned out, so I figured I would share it here. Ideally, my students will learn how to better take care of themselves and will also learn some Spanish at the same time.
I hope you get you and your students stay healthy this flu season, and I hope this article will be of some benefit to you.
Hasta pronto,
Being the teacher that I am, of course I had to take it and make it into an activity. I glossed some of the key words that I felt students needed to understand and then I created a couple of comprehension activities. I arranged the activities from order of easy (draw pictures to show you comprehend) to medium (identify good and bad advice) to more difficult (answer the questions in Spanish).
I am going to use the article in my two community college classes (with adult learners), and with my Spanish V, Spanish IV, and Spanish III students this week. Even with all the scaffolding in the world, I think this activity would just be a frustration to my Spanish II students. There is a great deal of medical vocabulary (antivirales, medicamentos antifebriles, polva para inhalar. . . ), formal commands, and several examples of the subjunctive.
I thought it was a good article of a nice length and I was pleased with how the activities turned out, so I figured I would share it here. Ideally, my students will learn how to better take care of themselves and will also learn some Spanish at the same time.
I hope you get you and your students stay healthy this flu season, and I hope this article will be of some benefit to you.
Hasta pronto,
Saturday, October 25, 2014
El Perro Me Comió La Tarea
There are times when I give out homework passes to students - to reward extra credit, to give a student some control as to when they might need a night off from homework, or for other reasons. Some colleagues of mine use homework passes at the beginning of the quarter to give students some flexibility - to avoid receiving a zero on forgotten homework, for example.
Years ago I saw a cute little homework pass that read "The dog ate my homework" and that brought a smile to my lips. I decided to do something similar for my own homework passes, but in Spanish of course.
Years ago I saw a cute little homework pass that read "The dog ate my homework" and that brought a smile to my lips. I decided to do something similar for my own homework passes, but in Spanish of course.
To save paper, I fit four of them to a sheet. There is a space at the bottom where it says "firma" and this is where you sign the homework passes to validate them. You don't want some entrepreneurial student of yours to photocopy them, of course. For increased security, you can copy them on special paper.
There are directions on the pass for use, students write their name on the pass and the name of the homework they want to skip. Then they staple it to the homework and turn it in with the rest of the stack. Then, while you are grading, you will come across the paper and you can take care of it right then and there. That is the theory anyway, your mileage may vary. :-)
I try to save these for very special occasions - partly because I want them to be a big deal, but mostly because I try only to give homework that I feel is important and, because of that, I really don't want students to skip it.
Use them well, amigos!
Hasta pronto,
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Venta de Quesadillas
I'm exhausted . . . no lie. Our chapter of Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica decided to raise awareness for National Hispanic Heritage Month and earn some money for our local food bank by making and selling quesadillas during lunch.
Everything should have gone splendidly except for the fact that our quesadilla sale last week got preempted due to a vehicle injury prevention program. (The one that sets up an accident scene at your school with real firefighters and police coming in with sirens and all manner of hoopla. It was something else!) So we had a lot of perishables (cheese, sour cream, salsa. . . ) on hand and we had to reschedule at the last minute.
And there was more chaos. Our location was being used by National English Honor Society, so a new place had to be found. Cooking spray had been forgotten by someone so a frantic run to the supermarket had to be made. Then there was all the mayhem involved with young folks crammed into a tight space with two hot griddles, a stack of money, and the necessity of keeping the food preparation area clean and sanitized. Whew!
The call went out on the intercom and students flocked to the area and formed a long line . . . and we got to work. We sold more than 60 quesadillas, which is impressive at a school our size - especially considering that we had to hold the event last-minute at another time and date without any sort of advertising or promotions.
Everything should have gone splendidly except for the fact that our quesadilla sale last week got preempted due to a vehicle injury prevention program. (The one that sets up an accident scene at your school with real firefighters and police coming in with sirens and all manner of hoopla. It was something else!) So we had a lot of perishables (cheese, sour cream, salsa. . . ) on hand and we had to reschedule at the last minute.
And there was more chaos. Our location was being used by National English Honor Society, so a new place had to be found. Cooking spray had been forgotten by someone so a frantic run to the supermarket had to be made. Then there was all the mayhem involved with young folks crammed into a tight space with two hot griddles, a stack of money, and the necessity of keeping the food preparation area clean and sanitized. Whew!
The call went out on the intercom and students flocked to the area and formed a long line . . . and we got to work. We sold more than 60 quesadillas, which is impressive at a school our size - especially considering that we had to hold the event last-minute at another time and date without any sort of advertising or promotions.
The good news is that the money was raised for our local food bank and everyone had a great time.
This is my daughter (above), posing reluctantly, while enjoying her own quesadilla and enough sour cream for three people! (Isn't my desk a mess?)
I am so impressed with my students. The idea was theirs, the organization was done primarily by them, and they maintained a great attitude throughout. Everyone enjoyed the food and folks are hoping that we will make this a yearly event. I think I might have the best students on the planet.
Hasta pronto,
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Vocabulary Dice
"Vocabulary dice?" I hear you ask.
Why yes! I found this idea on Pinterest and thought to myself that it would be a good one for Spanish vocabulary. So I put some thought to it and re-created the idea for Spanish class.
The idea is that students practice their vocabulary together in novel ways - like drawing pictures and acting it out. There is also linguistic practice like making sentences and definitions too. I also put one on there that prompts them to spell the word out loud. These sorts of activities stimulate the brain in unique ways that we don't always do in a typical foreign language classroom, and this can help students remember the vocabulary better than just doing the same activities over and over.
I have students draw a card, roll the die, then try to communicate the vocabulary word to their partner. This has gained approval from my high schoolers and my adult learners at community college alike. It's just nice to do something a little different once in awhile, right?
So here is a copy of the vocabulary dice template for you to download and print.
Learn from my experience, and make your dice at least a day ahead of time so that they will be dry and (relatively) solid. (Yeah, dice wet with glue are not a good experience for anyone. . . )
And, here are some vocabulary cards for you too. It is a set of reflexive verb cards, but you don't have to use these if you don't want to. You could make cards for just about anything. Keep in mind that some will need to be drawn and others acted out, so plan accordingly when choosing your vocabulary.
There are three blank cards with the set. Either write your own vocabulary terms on them or, for more creative fun, allow students to choose their own word when they draw a blank card.
If you do this in class and have fun, I'd love to hear from you! Don't be quiet - professional connections and collaboration are fun.
Hasta pronto,
Why yes! I found this idea on Pinterest and thought to myself that it would be a good one for Spanish vocabulary. So I put some thought to it and re-created the idea for Spanish class.
The idea is that students practice their vocabulary together in novel ways - like drawing pictures and acting it out. There is also linguistic practice like making sentences and definitions too. I also put one on there that prompts them to spell the word out loud. These sorts of activities stimulate the brain in unique ways that we don't always do in a typical foreign language classroom, and this can help students remember the vocabulary better than just doing the same activities over and over.
I have students draw a card, roll the die, then try to communicate the vocabulary word to their partner. This has gained approval from my high schoolers and my adult learners at community college alike. It's just nice to do something a little different once in awhile, right?
So here is a copy of the vocabulary dice template for you to download and print.
Learn from my experience, and make your dice at least a day ahead of time so that they will be dry and (relatively) solid. (Yeah, dice wet with glue are not a good experience for anyone. . . )
And, here are some vocabulary cards for you too. It is a set of reflexive verb cards, but you don't have to use these if you don't want to. You could make cards for just about anything. Keep in mind that some will need to be drawn and others acted out, so plan accordingly when choosing your vocabulary.

There are three blank cards with the set. Either write your own vocabulary terms on them or, for more creative fun, allow students to choose their own word when they draw a blank card.
If you do this in class and have fun, I'd love to hear from you! Don't be quiet - professional connections and collaboration are fun.
Hasta pronto,
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Chistes Gráficos para Halloween
I like to start each class with something that will bring a smile to my students' faces - whether it's a joke, a funny video, or a silly picture, it is nice to get things off in a friendly way.
To that end I looked at the calendar and saw that there are exactly fifteen school days left until Halloween, and I did some looking online to find funnies. Easier said than done! I found a lot that wouldn't translate well, others that don't cross the cultural barrier, and oodles of them that were wildly inappropriate for the classroom.
Ultimately I found fifteen and translated them into Spanish to share with my students. I figured I would share them here with you too.
I am not the copyright holder to any of these images. I have compiled there here for use in the classroom for educational purposes.
Happy Halloween, amigos!
To that end I looked at the calendar and saw that there are exactly fifteen school days left until Halloween, and I did some looking online to find funnies. Easier said than done! I found a lot that wouldn't translate well, others that don't cross the cultural barrier, and oodles of them that were wildly inappropriate for the classroom.
Ultimately I found fifteen and translated them into Spanish to share with my students. I figured I would share them here with you too.
Happy Halloween, amigos!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
La Colaboración - Google Docs
Today on Twitter I stumbled across a very interesting tweet about commercials in Spanish, and by clicking here and there I came across something wonderful - a shared document put together by Spanish teachers working collaboratively. When someone finds a commercial they want to share, they write a transcript, and then paste the commercial URL and the transcript to the bottom of the document. Then, everyone who accesses it can benefit from the contributions of others. You can pop in, copy it for yourself, make a cloze activity for your class and it was so easy. Wow. Mind blown.
I do not know if it breaks some unwritten rule to post the URL to the shared document here or not . . . I read the introduction to the document and there wasn't anything there about keeping it a secret, so here goes:
If you are going to use their work, consider transcribing and linking a commercial yourself. Being a contributor is a lot more fun than being a user - and you can brag to your colleagues and your administrators about your professional collaborations. :-)
I think someday, maybe someday soon, this sort of collaboration will be so common that this post of mine will be outdated and of no interest whatsoever. That would actually be a good thing - seeing teachers from all over work together toward student enrichment and sharing their ideas and inspirations with one another. We can hope!
I do not know if it breaks some unwritten rule to post the URL to the shared document here or not . . . I read the introduction to the document and there wasn't anything there about keeping it a secret, so here goes:
If you are going to use their work, consider transcribing and linking a commercial yourself. Being a contributor is a lot more fun than being a user - and you can brag to your colleagues and your administrators about your professional collaborations. :-)
I think someday, maybe someday soon, this sort of collaboration will be so common that this post of mine will be outdated and of no interest whatsoever. That would actually be a good thing - seeing teachers from all over work together toward student enrichment and sharing their ideas and inspirations with one another. We can hope!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
El Imperfecto del Subjuntivo
There are some really great things about teaching Spanish 4. One of them is that, by the time students have come that far, they have a very good working knowledge of the underlying structure of the language. I only have to tell them what the endings are for the verbs, and they are off and running - making creative sentences and astounding me with their cleverness.
So it is with the imperfect subjunctive. We review the preterite irregulars quickly - usually in game form, then I give them the rules for creating the imperfect subjunctive and presto! What a great group of students I have! No need to belabor the grammar, just explain it once and let them use it as a tool for communication.
The imperfect subjunctive is especially cool because it allows us to talk about the things that could be, should be, and might be if only things were different. And these days, memes with the imperfect subjunctive abound. I thought I'd find a couple to share with them so they could see the language in action and, while I was at it, I figured I'd share them here too.
It is the perfect lead in to a discussion about the sequence of tenses and, with this many authentic examples, students can probably discover the pattern (imperfect subjunctive + conditional) for themselves.
These make great writing prompts and it's fun to create a chart afterwards to show what ideas people have in common. For example you could ask, ¿Si tuvieras tres deseos que pedirías? Then chart how many people chose money, love, altruistic ideas (cure for cancer, world peace, etc.). It's fun!
Si tuvieras que enseñarles el imperfecto del subjuntivo a tus estudiantes, ¿qué harías?
Hasta pronto,
So it is with the imperfect subjunctive. We review the preterite irregulars quickly - usually in game form, then I give them the rules for creating the imperfect subjunctive and presto! What a great group of students I have! No need to belabor the grammar, just explain it once and let them use it as a tool for communication.
The imperfect subjunctive is especially cool because it allows us to talk about the things that could be, should be, and might be if only things were different. And these days, memes with the imperfect subjunctive abound. I thought I'd find a couple to share with them so they could see the language in action and, while I was at it, I figured I'd share them here too.
It is the perfect lead in to a discussion about the sequence of tenses and, with this many authentic examples, students can probably discover the pattern (imperfect subjunctive + conditional) for themselves.
These make great writing prompts and it's fun to create a chart afterwards to show what ideas people have in common. For example you could ask, ¿Si tuvieras tres deseos que pedirías? Then chart how many people chose money, love, altruistic ideas (cure for cancer, world peace, etc.). It's fun!
Si tuvieras que enseñarles el imperfecto del subjuntivo a tus estudiantes, ¿qué harías?
Hasta pronto,
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