I like to use videos in my classroom, when appropriate. One great time to utilize video is during the cooking/food unit - whenever that may occur in your textbook. In Conexiones it is chapter 8 and my High Intermediate students will be watching an authentic video tomorrow of a recipe for Camarones Ahumados con Chipotle with Ingrid Hoffmann.
I am not certain how many of my readers out there teach a Spanish IV, V, or AP class - but I figured it couldn't hurt to share the activity here in case it might be of any use to you. With some good scaffolding, you probably could do this with a talented Spanish III class. If nothing else, it will give you some thoughts on how you might want to structure a video watching guide. After all, you want them actively listening and comprehending - not just putting the video on in the background.
Hasta la próxima,
A resource for Spanish teachers everywhere. These are my own reflections on my practice, my experiences, and things that I have created and want to share.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Monday, September 1, 2014
Regreso A Clases: Una Lección Para Mí
Back to school is such an exciting time of year! I still get excited when it's time to buy supplies and prepare for the new year. And Open House is both a right of passage and an opportunity to get started off on the right foot.
I have a new colleague this year, Ms. Lundquist comes to us from Johnston County Schools in North Carolina and it's great to be working with her this year. One of the things we both agree upon is making a big impression on Open House night. It is our first encounter with the parents and the students, so it's imperative to put our best foot forward. She and I collaborated on getting our table set up, and I think it looks lovely!
On the table you will notice there are three papers. One is a set of application packets for students who wish to enroll in La Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica, one is a supplies list, and one is a paper with a QR code that links to a digital version of the supplies list. Our school is a 1:1 iPad school, so I figured we are tech savvy enough to do away with old-fashioned paper supplies lists, right? There is no need to waste paper and ink when you can just click and do it digitally. Am I right?
This is what the QR message looked like and I drew everybody's attention to it as soon as they arrived at the table.
If, for whatever reason, you are interested in our supplies list, you can take a look at it here:
But . . . (and I'm sure there is a master's thesis in this somewhere), it turns out the world is not as technologically advanced ad I had thought - even at our school. I spent much of the evening running back and forth to the copy machine to copy a few more paper versions of the supplies list. I think about 20 parents out of over 100 were willing to scan the QR code. The other 80+ wanted the paper copy. ¡Qué desilusión! Some of the students weren't even aware of the existence of QR codes, which surprised the dickens out of me. So much for that theory that the students are always way more proficient with technology than their teachers!
So I have learned a lesson - The world is not ready to be paperless just yet. That does not mean that I won't keep trying, of course.
Should you be interested in creating a QR code for your supplies list, or for anything else you want to send out to the masses easily, they are free and easy to make. There are a lot of places out there but I used QR Stuff. When you get the code, just copy and paste it into your document and Presto! Instant techie and green cred!
I hope the beginning to your school year is amazing, amigos! As always, be in touch.
Hasta la próxima,
I have a new colleague this year, Ms. Lundquist comes to us from Johnston County Schools in North Carolina and it's great to be working with her this year. One of the things we both agree upon is making a big impression on Open House night. It is our first encounter with the parents and the students, so it's imperative to put our best foot forward. She and I collaborated on getting our table set up, and I think it looks lovely!

On the table you will notice there are three papers. One is a set of application packets for students who wish to enroll in La Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica, one is a supplies list, and one is a paper with a QR code that links to a digital version of the supplies list. Our school is a 1:1 iPad school, so I figured we are tech savvy enough to do away with old-fashioned paper supplies lists, right? There is no need to waste paper and ink when you can just click and do it digitally. Am I right?
This is what the QR message looked like and I drew everybody's attention to it as soon as they arrived at the table.
If, for whatever reason, you are interested in our supplies list, you can take a look at it here:
But . . . (and I'm sure there is a master's thesis in this somewhere), it turns out the world is not as technologically advanced ad I had thought - even at our school. I spent much of the evening running back and forth to the copy machine to copy a few more paper versions of the supplies list. I think about 20 parents out of over 100 were willing to scan the QR code. The other 80+ wanted the paper copy. ¡Qué desilusión! Some of the students weren't even aware of the existence of QR codes, which surprised the dickens out of me. So much for that theory that the students are always way more proficient with technology than their teachers!
So I have learned a lesson - The world is not ready to be paperless just yet. That does not mean that I won't keep trying, of course.
Should you be interested in creating a QR code for your supplies list, or for anything else you want to send out to the masses easily, they are free and easy to make. There are a lot of places out there but I used QR Stuff. When you get the code, just copy and paste it into your document and Presto! Instant techie and green cred!
I hope the beginning to your school year is amazing, amigos! As always, be in touch.
Hasta la próxima,
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